sabato 24 ottobre 2009

A look inside the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp (28 pics)

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A look inside the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp (28 pics)

The Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp is a detainment facility operated by Joint Task Force Guantánamo of the United States government since 2002 in Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, which is on the shore of Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The detainment areas consists of three camps in the base: Camp Delta (which includes Camp Echo), Camp Iguana, and Camp X-Ray (which has been closed).
Since October 7, 2001, when the current war in Afghanistan began, 775 detainees have been brought to Guantánamo. Of these, approximately 420 have been released without charge. As of January 2009, approximately 245 detainees remain. On May 20, 2009, the United States Senate passed an amendment to block funds to release prisoners held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
So let’s take a look inside this world famous and controversial detention camp.
A look inside the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp (28 pics)
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