giovedì 16 aprile 2009

15 Creative Ads in Unusual Places

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15 Creative Ads in Unusual Places

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20 Incredible Pictures Of Rice Terraces From Above

20 Incredible Pictures Of Rice Terraces From Above

Amazing rice terraces in the sunset
Upon seeing these stunning images of rice terraces in Southeast Asia and China, one could think that rice is actually only the byproduct of a bigger project: landscape art. The technique of rice farming and the work today is done pretty much the way it was millennia ago – one reason why most of the amazing rice terraces are still intact.
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Insects (Macro 13 Pics)

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Beautiful Nature (24 pics)

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La Mano di Dio

Mano di Dio
La Mano di Dio è stata immortalata dal telescopio orbitante Chandra. La prospettiva e la capacità dell’uomo di scovare volti e parti umane un po’ ovunque ha fatto il resto: è innegabile che sembri decisamente una gigantesca mano rivolta verso l’infinito. In realtà è una nube di gas lontana 150 anni luce.

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Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE

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Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE


Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.
Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead. He tried to move her....a rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again,
he cries with adoring love.

Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE
He stood beside her, saddened of her death.
Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE

Finally aware that she would never return to him, he stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow.

Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE

Love of Swallow..............MUST SEE
Millions of people cried after watching this picture. It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the most famous newspaper in France . All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published.
Do you still think animals don't have a brain or feelings?
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Little Couples

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Little Couples
"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven."
~ Henry Ward
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Lotteria Hillary. Il primo premio è Bill - Corriere della Sera

Quotidiano Nazionale
Lotteria Hillary. Il primo premio è Bill
Corriere della Sera
NEW YORK — «Perché Billary non si saldano quel debito coi propri soldi, invece di continuare a succhiare dal seno di Mamma America?». «Dopo aver condotto una campagna all’insegna dell’incompetenza, solo un’avida ed egocentrica bellimbusta può ...
Hillary Clinton mette in palio il suo Bill Quotidiano Nazionale
Il segretario di Stato raccoglie fondi TGCOM
ANSA - RaiNews24 - L'Espresso - L'
e altri 19 articoli simili

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Spring Cleaning of the Mind: Surreal Art Update (31 pics)

Spring Cleaning of the Mind: Surreal Art Update

When you need to make an existential omelet, ask these guys for a recipe
Since our last "Surreal Art Update" showcase we've seen enough mind-blowing and creative work to propel us in ecstasy to the Moon and back; these artists - bless their free-wheeling imagination - can make the dead wake up and wail in exasperation "what is this I see!? Explain it to me!..." Sorry, surreal art by definition cannot be explained. However -
If you let it to work its magic, the best surreal art can sweep away the cobwebs of the mind and give you a visual kick from which you may not soon recover.
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Incredible Natural Phenomenons

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Incredible Natural Phenomenons
Let us permit nature to have her way.  She understands her business better than we do.

~ Michel de Montaigne

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100 Beautiful Night Scene Photos

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100 Beautiful Night Scene Photos

Hi guys! Today we will delight you with another beautiful image collection. Night scenes. 100 photographs of gorgeous urban and rural landscapes and views. A mixture of darkness and lights, a real static show of contrasts and beauty.


Osaka by Night

author: dai oni

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Iran in the 1970s before the Islamic Revolution

Iran in the 1970s before the Islamic Revolution

Mention the word Iran to most people and this image is probably close to what first comes to mind:
Older people will remember a vastly different impression of Iran though, the Iran from before the Islamic Revolution. There are a large number of pictures and videos out there that show a radically different country from the one today (some might be from the 1960s BTW) so I've gathered a few of them together.
First some photos from two videos here and here:
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Working in a Sea of Green: Laos Photos by Ben Visbeek (15 pics)

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Working in a Sea of Green: Laos Photos by Ben Visbeek
"I think the best way to explore Laos is by bicycle or feet. Meeting friendly Lao people in the small villages along the way and enjoying its countryside. I had to stop many times to make a photo. A beautiful scenery of rice fields next to the limestone hills where the clouds are hanging."

~ Ben Visbeek

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