sabato 11 aprile 2009

grand central.jpg

grand central.jpg
Originally uploaded by den Tommie

Blast From the Past (PIC)

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Polar bear attacks woman at Berlin Zoo

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Polar bear attacks woman at Berlin Zoo

BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- A polar bear attacked a woman at Berlin Zoo Friday afternoon after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat during feeding time, police said Saturday.

The bear attacks the woman during feeding time at the zoo.

One adult polar bit her several times after she plunged into the moat, police said.

Zoo workers tossed rescue rings toward the woman to hoist her out and distract polar bears swimming nearby, said Goerg Gebhard, a Berlin police officer.

"They saved her life," Gebhard told CNN.

The woman was severely injured and was being treated at a hospital, police said. Video Watch polar bear attack woman »

It's unclear why the woman entered the bear habitat, but police issued her a citation for trespassing.

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17-year-old claims responsibility for Twitter worm

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17-year-old claims responsibility for Twitter

Brooklyn, NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- Mikeyy Mooney, the 17-year-old
creator of from Brooklyn, has admitted responsibility for the
Twitter worm that rapidly spread through Twitter on Saturday, stating in an
email to BNO News, “I am aware of the attack and yes I am behind this attack.”

Twitter users were infected by simply visiting an infected users Twitter
page. Following being infected, users began tweeting about with
messages such as "Dude,
is awesome. What's the fuss?"

Mikeyy described how he carried out the attack:
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Originally uploaded by WahWah Wu

The Beauty of Infrared

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The Beauty of Infrared

Here are some of my pictures taken in the infrared, the invisible hue of light, providing radiant, shining greenery, dark skies, and wondrously soft shadows.

You also may be interested in a technical article: Infrared Photography with a Digital Camera.

Grayson County and Mawbry Mill, Virginia (Olympus E-300)
The Kings Canyon and Yosemite, California; Olympus C-5060WZ (1,2) and E-20 (3)
Horsehead Wetlands Center on the Maryland Eastern Shore; Olympus E-20
A pond in Crofton, Maryland, where I live; Olympus E-20
Ocracoke Island, NC; Washington, DC, and Krakow, Poland; Olympus C-5050Z
West Virginia (2x) and Maryland's Eastern Shore; Olympus C-5050Z
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Infrared Photography with a Digital Camera

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Infrared Photography with a Digital Camera

Related articles at this site:

Image samples from Olympus cameras:

Olympus C-5060WZ, Hoya R72 filter

What's so different about infrared?

The camera

SLR — the second choice?

Going IR all the way

The IR filter

IR filter summary

Image preview

Exposure setting




Retaining some color information

The red layer from an IR image combined with green and blue ones from a visible-light picture.

Image noise

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Infrared Photography

Infrared Photography

One of my favorite techniques for landscape photography is shooting infrared. Digital cameras lend themselves very well to infrared photography because the imaging sensors are very sensitive to infrared light. Most camera manufacturers place what's called a "hot mirror" over the sensor to filter undesirable wavelengths of light, including infrared, so it does not ruin regular photos. Even though this hot mirror blocks infrared light, it is still possible to shoot in this unique light spectrum. This tutorial will explain my process of shooting infrared photography.

Infrared Filter
Infrared Index

Here are the results:

Reference Shot

Reference Photo
Nikon D50, 35mm f/2, 1/160 sec @ f/11, ISO 200

Infrared Color Out-Of-Camera

Color Infrared Using Custom White Balance
Nikon D50, 35mm f/2, 1.6 sec @ f/11, ISO 200

Infrared B&W Conversion

Black & White Infrared Converted in Lightroom
Nikon D50, 35mm f/2, 1.6 sec @ f/11, ISO 200

Color Infrared Enhancement

Nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 Infrared Color Mode 5

B&W Infrared Enhancement

Nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 Infrared B&W Mode 2

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