mercoledì 6 maggio 2009

Black & White Female Portrait Showcase

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Black & White Female Portrait Showcase

Black & White Female Portrait Showcase

I think it is safe to say that most photographers will agree that black and white portraits are just as powerful, if not more powerful than color portraits. This post is a showcase of amazing black and white female portraits.

In my honest opinion, black and white portraits do a much better job at showing a women’s personality. The lack of color does amazing things to show us the true emotion of the subject. Female portraits aren’t about having a pretty face covered in makeup on the other side of a camera, but instead about understanding what’s going on inside the other person and reflecting it in the photograph.

This post doesn’t discuss the technique behind capturing a female portrait effectively (and mind you, there are different approaches for taking portrait shots of men and women which is why only one is being shown here).

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