venerdì 10 aprile 2009

50 Stunning Asian Movie Posters

50 Stunning Asian Movie Posters

It's fascinating what information can be learned about a movie simply from taking a glance at the movie poster. Skipping past the obvious such as the title and cast, what is really interesting is determining a film's tone and atmosphere from its poster alone. Is it violent? Funny? Scary? Quite often the poster alone may answer these questions for you.

Not surprisingly, this is not a trait solely unique to North American cinema. While some presentational factors differ from culture to culture, usually the essence of a movie is plainly communicated through its poster no matter what – or where.


Observing design from another culture's perspective can be a great source of inspiration. Sometimes it takes a completely unique frame of reference to get those creative juices flowing. It is in this spirit that Smashing Magazine has collected 50 impressive Asian movie posters for your illumination and inspiration. We hope you enjoy them.


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